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Society of Illustrators and Rockstar Games Announce New
Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Visual Art High School Partnership Program

New York, NY (October 29, 2024) – The Society of Illustrators (SI) and Rockstar Games are pleased to announce their new Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Partnership Program for New York City high school visual art students. This collaboratively designed series of six High School Career Exploration & Portfolio Building Workshops will be offered free-of-charge to a total of 180 seniors and juniors interested in pursuing higher education in the various fields of illustration and comics/cartoon art.

Working in conjunction with the NYC High School of Art & Design faculty to better align the program to their curricular needs, the fall sessions will focus on helping senior art students improve their portfolios for successful college applications. This sequential learning series of three two-hour classes will be offered to 30 students per session. Each of the Fall 2024 Workshops will be led by teaching artist William Low, who is renowned for his contemporary realism paintings, public art, prints, and books, especially his toddler-friendly bilingual board book entitled Welcome to Chinatown.

For Spring 2024, the program will focus on junior art students to increase their knowledge of the various illustration art career fields available to pursue; and to improve their comics/cartoon art drawing skills for building their portfolios. This sequential series of three two-hour classes will also be offered to 30 students per session. It will be led by teaching artist Josh Neufeld, who is a comics artist and nonfiction storyteller best known for his graphic novel, A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge.

All workshops will be held at the SI Museum of Illustration located at 128 East 63rd Street in New York City. Each student will receive free art supplies funded by Rockstar Games.

To learn more about this unique art education partnership program and the workshop series schedule of dates, call SI Director of Programs and Partnerships Lindsay Compton at 212-838-2560 or email her at

About the Society of Illustrators

Founded in 1901, the Society of Illustrators (SI), along with its Museum of Illustration, is the oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the art of illustration in America. Our mission is to promote the art and appreciation of illustration, its history, and its evolving nature through exhibitions and education programs. Notable SI members have been N.C. Wyeth and Norman Rockwell, among others. Our museum, with its Permanent Collection of 3,500 pieces, is open to the public Wednesdays-Saturdays year-round. Through our exhibitions and hybrid programs, we serve 30,000 people annually. To learn more about the Society, visit

About Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games cemented their reputation as creators of complex living worlds with the Grand Theft Auto series, one of the most successful entertainment properties of all time with over 350 million units sold-in worldwide. Through a string of critically acclaimed games including the Grand Theft Auto series, the Red Dead Redemption series, the Max Payne series, Bully, L.A. Noire, the Midnight Club series, and The Warriors, Rockstar Games has helped propel interactive entertainment into the center of modern culture. For more information, visit

For SI media inquiries please contact:

Lindsay Compton, Director of Programs and Partnerships
Museum of Illustration | Society of Illustrators
128 East 63rd Street | New York, NY 10065
212.838.2560 |

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