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Digital Membership


Membership Benefits

  • Free access to online galleries (normally $15.00 per gallery)
  • Access to special online lectures, events and galleries not available to the public
  • 10% discount in the SI online store


For individuals who have an interest in supporting the mission of the Society of Illustrators with a Digital Membership, simply add this membership to your cart. Digital Memberships are granted immediate approval. Membership dues must be paid in full to activate your online membership and activate your exclusive online benefits.


Here are just some of what you will find when you gain access to SI’s members-only content:

From the Archive
An Evening with Tomi Ungerer and Jules Feiffer
This once in a lifetime event paired up two award-winning, iconic illustrators who discussed their careers, art, and works in children’s literature.

From the Archive
50 Years in 60 Minutes: An Evening with Murray Tinkelman
The award-winning artist leads a special presentation on the history of illustration.

From the Archive
African American History is American History
A panel discussion on how struggles for African American liberty earned all Americans their civil rights

Picturing Queer Youth: Ethan Aldridge, Rosemary Valero-O’Connell and Quentin Zuttion discuss the depiction of young people’s queer experience in books intended for young readers.

In These Times: Steve Brodner and Nora Krug discuss the urgency of making work that chronicles and confronts the force of history as it happens.

From the Permanent Collection: Colorful Tales in Black and White
Before the popular usage of full color imagery, illustrators used powerful value statements in a variety of rich black and white media.

And don’t forget the members-only bulletin board for job postings, accolades, events and more!
PLUS, new content will be posted weekly

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