Hello from Paul O. Zelinsky whose illustrations have won wide acclaim and many awards, including the Caldecott Medal for his Rapunzel; and three Caldecott Honors, for Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, and Swamp Angel. He received the Society of Illustrators’ Original Art Lifetime Achievement Award for Illustrator, and is the 2018 Carle Honoree for Artist, a recognition from the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. His movable book The Wheels on the Bus is a perennial family favorite. He lives with his wife in Brooklyn, NY. For all about Paul and his wonderful books go to http://www.paulozelinsky.com. Color Paul’s drawings of Rumplestiltskin and The Miller’s daughter on Coloring Pages!
Follow his Draw Along! video, where you’ll learn fact filled face drawing skills!