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CATEGORY: Surface-Product Design

Luca D'Urbino
Anima e Corpo
Medium: Screenprint on leather

Anima e Corpo (Soul and Body) is a collective site specific exhibition held in May 2022 at Heracles Gymnasium in Milano, Italy.

Five artists Alberto Casagrande, Luca D’Urbino, Serena Gianoli, Shut up Claudia and Ciro Trezzi illustrated five screeprinted punching bags according to the theme “Apollonian and Dionysian”

Apollo, god of sun that crosses the sky on his chariot drawn by winged horses, god of rationality and masculinity.

Dionysus, god of the subterranean, subconscious, sensuality and femininity.

Both these discording traits have to join forces in the interiority of an athlete for him to find a balance and, ultimately, succeed.

The Location: Heracles Gymnasium is a boxing gym in the difficult hood of Via Padova in Milano. Their mission is to take care of both the soul and body of athletes, like in an ancient Greece Gymnasium.

There, you’ll find weights as well as a library and a piano. Every weekend they host cultural events including art, music, theatre and opera.

The five punching bags created for the event stayed in house and became training facilities for the Gym. They are probably being punched while you’re reading this.

Client: Heracles Gymnasium
Art Director: Luca D'Urbino - Renato de Donato

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