Title: The Circuit Illustrator: Celia Jacobs Client: HarperCollins Publishers Imprint:…
Title: Godfather Death Illustrator: Júlia Sardà Publisher: Penguin Random House…
Title: Pig Town Party Illustrator: Lian Cho Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers…
Title: Pepper & Me Illustrator: Beatrice Alemagna Publisher Astra Publishing…
X. Fang Dim Sum Palace Publisher: Tundra Book Group /…
Victoria Tentler-Krylov I'm Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist of the…
Marla Frazee The Great Zapfino Publisher: Simon & Schuster| Beach…
Zahra Marwan Where Butterflies Fill the Sky Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's…
Briana Mukodiri Uchendu The Talk Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young…
Zoë Tilley Poster The Night Wild Publisher: Penguin Random House…